Sunday, March 16, 2014


Over the years the world's notion of a hero has changed drastically. Early on in the world a Hero was viewed as someone who brought food hoe for their family. A Hero was someone who was a provider. Later on, however, a Hero became someone who did good for all of mankind. That's were Superman comes in. Suprman is one of, if not thee, most well known Heroes. Yes he had super powers, but he is who people based their view of a Hero on. As the world became more evolved so did the theories. A Hero became more than someone who was a good provider and helped people. A Hero became someone who put their life on the line to save the lives of innocent people. Firefighter, police offers and Soldiers, of any branch, are just a few. They are our modern- day heroes. Men and Women who fight to make sure that we have the right to go to school, to make sure we have freedom of speech, to make sure we get every possible chance there is to make our lives worth living. The view of a Hero may change, and it probably will many times. We will not, and should not forget the Heroes of our past. Heroes are the ones that have lost the fight, or are still fighting, but most importantly, the ones that do not call themselves Heroes and are just glad that they could help protect the innocent. Let us not forget the Heroes of our past, the present and let us embrace the Heroes of our future.

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